hair building fibers: the reviews are in

Real Results: Toppik Customers Prove that Hair Building Fibers Really Can Transform Your Look

Never has the saying, “A picture is worth a thousand words,” been more valuable than when it comes to your hair.

Whatever the price tag, if you are one of the 80 million men and women struggling with hair loss or thinning hair, you want answers.

But Who Can You Trust?

These days, when it comes to shopping - especially shopping for something that will directly impact your appearance, and ultimately your confidence - you want to know that it works before you spend your money.

So where do you go for credible, reliable answers?

For many, they talk to friends and family first to get their recommendations. Often, in the digital age, this means going on Facebook or your favorite social network, and looking at what others have to say.

You might also be interested in getting expert opinions, and therefore look to top editors and media for their reviews of a product you’re considering.

Ultimately, you will likely wind up reading online reviews from others who have tried the same product. Unbiased, unsolicited feedback of real customers often becomes the most valuable insight when considering a purchase.

So, when faced with a problem like thinning hair, you have probably, like most, started with a search on Google. You likely stumbled upon something called Hair Building Fibers and thought “it probably doesn’t look natural” or “there’s no way those hair fibers can cover my hair loss,” but you might be surprised by what you see next!

If you’re looking to learn more about Hair Building Fibers and how they work, jump over to our blog post titled: Toppik Hair Building Fibers: The Secret to Natural-Looking, Thicker Hair. If you’re looking for proof and real customer reviews establishing that Hair Building Fibers work – look no further! We’ve rounded up credible feedback from our customers and have the visual proof to show that the #1 cosmetic solution for thinning hair and hair loss is Toppik Hair Building Fibers.

You’ve Heard Of Hair Fibers - But Do They Really Work?

Take Melina for instance. Her hair is thinning around the part and front hairline area. Since her hair color is Black, she matches perfectly with the Hair Building Fibers in Black. To help cover up her exposed part, she uses the Toppik Spray Applicator, which allows her to more precisely fill in thinning areas with Hair Building Fibers. Once she has covered this area, she uses the Toppik Hairline Optimizer to create a natural-looking front hairline. 2014-12-11_1619 Click this link to watch a video testimonial of Melina talking about how she covers her thinning areas, and hear her personal review of Toppik Hair Building Fibers.

Ahmed has a receding hairline and a growing bald spot, which can easily be covered with Toppik Hair Building Fibers. Since his bald spot is larger, it is easier for him to use the built-in sifter that comes in the Hair Fibers bottle, rather than the Spray Applicator. All he needs to do is apply the Hair Fibers to his dry hair and pat down after application to ensure they blend seamlessly with existing hair.

For lasting results, Ahmed uses Toppik FiberHold Spray, which strengthens the bond between hair and Hair Fibers and provides shine. 2014-12-11_1715 Click this link to watch a video testimonial of Ahmed talking about how he covers his receding hairline and balding areas, and hear his personal review of Toppik Hair Building Fibers.

View more successful before/after images of men and women who have tried using Toppik Hair Building Fibers!

Hair Building Fibers Are Versatile

Toppik Hair Building Fibers can be used by anyone who wants the confidence of having a full head of hair. Whether you have thin or thinning hair, an uneven hairline, or just want to hide or cover certain areas, Toppik Hair Building Fibers is the perfect hair loss solution.

Toppik Hair Building Fibers also work with non-traditional types of hair loss, such as hair loss caused by certain diseases, like Alopecia Areata or Trichotillomania.

Zoe has Alopecia Areata, an autoimmune disease where you lose patches of hair. Even she was worried that Toppik wouldn’t work for her, since the patches of hair she loses can be bigger or smaller, depending on how the disease is interacting with her body in any given month. Once she tried Toppik Hair Building Fibers though, she was willing to recommend the product to anyone suffering from the same affliction. Watch her Hair Building Fibers review and story here: 

Read Reviews From Customers Like You

We’ve collected some of the most powerful and heartfelt Hair Building Fibers reviews from those who have used Toppik Hair Building Fibers and returned to to share their experience.

“I have very thin hair and over the years, it’s become so bad that you could see my scalp. I was very self-conscious and tried to cover the bald spots as best I could but nothing worked. My hairdresser told me about one of her clients that used Toppik and how well it blended with her own hair. I ordered the product online the next day and 2 days later it arrived. I used it immediately and couldn’t believe the transformation! It now looks like I have a full head of beautiful silvery gray hair and it’s so easy to use. It is now a part of my daily morning routine and I even carry one in my car in case I need a touch-up! I love Toppik!

Name: Creampuff

Age: 55 to 64

Gender: Female

“My hair has been thinning more and more over the years especially towards the front of my scalp. I have been so self conscious. I discovered this product several months ago. I like to call it my “self esteem in a bottle.” I can not go a day without it. The confidence it has provided me is mind blowing. It stays on when I work out or after a long day of work. Best product I’ve tried and I will be a customer as long as I have this hair problem.”

Name: JessMia2310

Age: 25 to 34

Gender: Female

“I COULD HAVE CRIED after my FIRST use of TOPPIK. My fine thinning hair now looked fuller with no bald spots showing thru. I use it once a week after my hairdresser washes and sets my hair. Infact she is the one who originally showed me this product. It covers and stays covered. Thanks Toppik for making me feel good again.”

Name: Cathy

Age: 65 or over

Gender: Female

“This product is amazing. It makes my hair look fuller and no more bald spots. It looks so natural. My first application I cried with my mother (I know not very manly to say) she has helped me through my hair loss since I was 18. I am now 25, and my prayers seem to be answered. Thank you guys very much!”

Name: Josh

Age: 25 to 34

Gender: Male

“I have been using the Toppik fibers and other products for about 13 years now and love it. I have told many people about Toppik over the years. I always get compliments about how thick my hair is (from those who don’t know that I use it). A great product.”

Name: CJ69

Age: 45 to 54

Gender: Male

A Product That Really Changes Lives

Our greatest satisfaction comes from customers who go out of their way to tell us about their experience with our products. We receive hundreds of personal letters, phone calls and emails every year from people who have been transformed by Toppik Hair Building Fibers.

This just happens to be one of our favorite notes from this past year: IMG_2841 If you would like to read more Toppik Hair Building Fibers reviews, visit and click on any of our Hair Building Fibers to see what customers are saying!

Are you ready to try Toppik Hair Building Fibers? Tell us in the comments section below why you can’t wait to try this product!

Stay In the Know

Now that you’ve seen the proof behind the Hair Building Fibers, next week we’re discussing the right hair care and maintenance for thinning hair.

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